Picot Bonnet
By Kristen Mangus at GoodKnit Kisses
May 27, 2013
Work in a flat panel. Instructions are written for preemie, notes in ( ) are for larger newborn size. Video tutorials are in links provided.
KnittingBoard Basics Loom for preemie size 11/16″ guage (AllNOne or Sock Loom 2 as alternate for newborn size – 3/8″ gauge)
Worsted weight. Red Heart Unforgettable color Petunia used in sample.
Newborn – 16 sts x 6 rows = 4″ x 4″ or 4 sts per in x 1.5 rows per inch.
Size/Measurements; not stretched:
Preemie – Much smaller than the newborn/baby size; given away but see photo on doll.
(Newborn – Main Hat (drawstring to brim measurement): 8″ to brim; 10″ overall to tip of picots. Brim: 1.25″ ribbed brim, 1.5″ to edge of bind off, To tip of Picots 2″. Ear to ear measure: 13.25″)
K or Flat – Flat Knit Stitch https://youtu.be/r5hvRlW3dsM?t=3m1s
Fig-8 – Figure 8 or Diamond Lace Stitch https://youtu.be/CwJ57LmYsNA
P – Purl https://youtu.be/kr5zOVRt9eI?t=2m58s
Picot bind off – Technique for Bind off that creates picots during bind off. Requires casting on 2 stitches via cable cast on and then binding off 4. Video here http://youtu.be/qWkTu8T8KeM
Cast on:
Adjustable cast on flat panel 32 peg (54 peg for newborn) Video here: http://youtu.be/TIVTH8MI0ec
Flat knit 3 rows (6)
Fig-8 12 (20) rows
K2, p2 rep 6 (15) rows
Picot bind off**
**Cable CO 2, BO 4 (** rep between **,** til one st left on loom, cut tail and pull through)
Weave in tail
Pull drawstring from cast-on loosely to not break yarn. Leave an opening eyelet shape and tie off with a knot. Weave in tail.
Make 1 tie off cord. Chain 40 (40 to desire length). Before pulling through last loop place crochet hook on between 1st and second stitch between last figure 8 row and ribbing rows. Slip stitch through and pull through to knot. Tie on one more knot to secure. Weave in tail into bonnet. Weave in tail at beginning of cord. Repeat to make a second cord on opposite side.
Picot Bonnet is a sweet work for the sweetie pie of your life!
ALTERNATE Pattern (Derivative work):
Picot Hat or Slouchy (With our without picot)
Cast on in stitch count above (or desired size) but connect in the round in drawstring cast on. Continue knitting pattern above in the round until desired length. Bind off as above for picot edge or use stretchy bind off. Enjoy!
©2013 GoodKnit Kisses
For Personal Use
Try the whole layette set suite of patterns! Click this link here. Patterns are the Picot Bonnet, Picot BOOties and the Picot Lovey Mitered Square

grandma and/or Nan
Saturday 26th of April 2014
I have not been able to find the Pattern to make the String Bag....Please post it again or post the site address so I can click on it.
Thank youfloryb floryb@cfl.rr.com
grandma and/or Nan
Saturday 26th of April 2014
I have not been able to find the Pattern to make the String Bag....Please post it again or post the site address so I can click on it.
Thank youfloryb floryb@cfl.rr.com