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Craft Shows – Useful Tips

Craft Shows – Useful Tips

Craft Shows | Useful Tips

Written By Carol Blakeley

Summer and warm weather brings outdoor craft shows, fairs, festivals & farmer’s markets.

Below are tips for craft shows shared during Kristen’s Facebook Q & A Live Broadcast (June 19/17) as well as some I learned while selling hand crafted jewelry at craft fairs.


Research:  visit craft shows to find the right one for you

  • Do they supply table & tent
  • Cost for different locations & booth sizes
  • Do they require vendor permit &/or liability insurance
  • Take the time to chat with other vendors to get their opinion of how the event is organized & run.
  • What sells in your area

Booth Location & Display

  • Location – study the location of booths try get next to a booth that will attract business. Avoid areas were people may congregate (i.e. food area & entertainment (I found people don’t buy when they are hungry or watching free entertainment).
  • An eye catching booth contributes to 80% of your success.
    • Create an interesting booth, colorful, & attractive layout.
      • Don’t overcrowd the table
      • Create different levels for displays
      • Put your eye catching color items at eye level to attract people to your booth
      • Search  popular Etsy shops for display ideas
  • Personality: Create a welcoming environment, make potential buyers feel welcome, interact with them (but don’t be pushy or over eager).  Keep your body language approachable.

Organize & Prepare

Booth Display:  don’t leave it to the day of the event to figure out your display.

  • Few days before try different layouts for you items.
  • Take photos of each display
  • Choose the one that is the most appealing and works for the space you have
  • Have sand bags to secure the tent & table in high winds
  • Secure displays stands

Pricing:  Don’t under valuate your work.

  • Price your items according to the cost of your materials, fees, & your time.
  • Make sure tags are attached securely & the price is clearly written (hint if sharing a booth use different color tags or ink for each individual
  • Make up pre packaged deals (i.e. 1 for $3.00 or 2 for $5.00)

Take care of you: Look after your needs so you are comfortable during the craft shows

Clothing: dress appropriately for the weather be prepared for cooler mornings, hot afternoons, cooler nights & rain

  • Food: prepare food, snacks & lots of water to stay hydrated.
  • Freeze bottles of water, or make your own type of air conditioning – fill a bowl with water put small towels in it & cover with ice. Wrap around your neck to cool you down

Items to sell

Make & sell what people want

  • Google search what the trends are
  • Are you prepared to take custom orders, have a note book handy to take down information
    • If selling echo friendly items make a list for your display of the pros why they are a good buy Dryer balls – save on drying time & hydro, reusable
    • Crochet/ loom knit water balloons – latex free, reusable, washable & unbreakable.
    • Handmade soaps list items in case of allergies

Popular craft sale items

  • Dish cloths, dish scrubbies,
  • Wash cloths, face scrubbies
  • Dryer balls
  • Soap bags, handmade soaps or bath salts/bombs

We at GoodKnit Kisses think the Crochet/Loom Knit Water Balloons are going to be a big hit at this year’s craft shows!

Water Balloons

Here is the link for the loom knit version:

Here is the link for the original crochet version by Left in Knots

I know there are more tips out there for having a successful craft show experience.  Help new craft booth vendors by sharing or tips big seller items in the comments below.

One last thing:  HAVE FUN!

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