Inside: GoodKnit Kisses YouTube Memberships give you loads of perks plus members only videos.
I’m excited!
And not like, “Oh, there’s a sale on paper towels” excited. Like “8-year-old on Christmas morning and there’s a bike under the tree” excited!
It’s a new year and there are big changes on the horizon for GoodKnit Kisses.
I can’t believe it all started sitting up in the middle of the night with a Knifty Knitter crafting through my post-partum depression. I made a few late night videos filmed on the ottoman in my baby’s room to help some online friends learn how to loom knit. Then I made a few more. Now GoodKnit Kisses YouTube channel has over 700 videos!
I NEVER thought this dream would grow from my own journey of healing.
I’ve been thrilled, honored and humbled to be able to share my love of crafting and teaching through GoodKnit Kisses with you.
My loom knitting, knitting and crochet skills are much stronger since those early videos. I’ve grown as a crafter and I hope you have, too.
Over a year ago, I started offering channel memberships on YouTube. It was a way to connect more closely with my subscribers and fellow crafters.
This year I’m taking a big leap and opening up more membership options.
What is a GoodKnit Kisses YouTube membership?
It is an exclusive members only option on YouTube. For a monthly fee that varies by membership level you get special perks both on and off YouTube.
Why should I become a member?
Aside from the perks listed below, members have a unique opportunity to become part of the creative process at GoodKnit Kisses. You have several avenues to provide feedback to me about:
- what video content you want to see
- what kinds of patterns you like to do
- specific techniques you want to learn
As a result of input I received from my members I’ve got a brioche hat video in the works.
None of us think twice about paying monthly for Netflix or Disney+ because they provide the content we want.
This is your chance to be part of shaping the content you want from GoodKnit Kisses!
So, what’s going to change?
- New videos will publish on Saturday morning (instead of Friday afternoon).
- Videos will still be free for non-members! Membership gives you other benefits in addition to the free videos.
- Patterns will stay free on the blog! All the content here on the GoodKnit Kisses website will remain accessible to you.
What are the perks of membership?
- VIP Knit Level 1
- Access to members only videos including all past and future project tutorials, technique videos, stitch patterns and more
- Monthly live video on YouTube with Kristen
- Sneak peeks of projects
- Opportunity to provide feedback through live chat
- Access to members only community on YouTube
- Chat, participate in polls and help choose what videos Kristen should make in the future
- Access to GKK Members Only Facebook Group
- GKK Chat badges and emojis on YouTube
- VIP Purl Level 2
- All the benefits from Level 1
- Free PDFs of all GoodKnit Kisses patterns
- VIP Closed Caption Level 3
- All the benefits from Level 2
- This level is for those special VIP members that want to commit to helping me cover the cost of adding closed captioning to my video tutorials. Currently, I pay to have ALL of my new videos professionally captioned. Being hearing impaired myself, it’s important that my videos are accessible to everyone.
- VIP Help Level 4
- All benefits included in previous levels
- 1 on 1 video chat with me for one hour to provide personalized help with a project or technique.
What do GoodKnit Kisses YouTube memberships cost?
Hey, I’m just as budget-conscious as you are so I kept the prices super affordable. (Prices are listed in US dollars, but YouTube automatically adjusts the pricing to your country of origin.)
- VIP Knit Level 1 – $1.99 (US)
- VIP Purl Level 2 – $4.99 (US)
- VIP Closed Caption Level 3 – $9.99 (US)
- VIP Help Level 4 – $49.99 (US)
All transactions are processed directly through YouTube. You can easily change your membership level at any time.
How do I join the GoodKnit Kisses YouTube memberships program?
That’s easy! Go to the GoodKnit Kisses YouTube page and click the Join button. (Make sure you’re logged in to YouTube first.)

Then select your membership level and click the Join button to set up your membership.

Wednesday 5th of June 2024
Is there a membership for loom knitting only.
GoodKnit Kisses
Thursday 6th of June 2024
Sorry, the only membership right now includes all crafts together.
Monday 27th of May 2024
I want to receive news letters
Brigitte Martin
Thursday 31st of August 2023
Thank you I Hope to be able to create new knitting and having fun!
Tuesday 4th of October 2022
Thank you for helping me learn looming and help me get my mind off my poor health.
Monday 25th of January 2021
Is this membership for all your videos and patterns? Or just loom knit? I loom knit and crochet, but not needle knitting. Thanks in advance! Val